Our Services

Virtual Remote Monitoring

OPark Audio & Video Remote Assistance

Remote Monitoring without video is seen by many patrons as a cold and impersonal parking experience, as they are unable to interact with a person, particularly if there is a problem. One Parking has recognized this affront to customer service and has worked with a leader in the parking technology field to integrate a “human touch” into the automated parking concept and after hours remote monitoring (One Parking Remote Assistance or OPark). Our OPark technology integration brings the benefits of Pay-On-Foot (POF) technology, while maintaining the customer service that accompanies actual face-to-face communication with a Customer Service Representative.

Our Central Command Center, located in West Palm Beach, FL, is staffed by courteous and professional Customer Service Representatives, 24 Hours 7 Days a Week. If the driver has a problem at the exit, the driver can simply push the “Help” button and a Live Customer Service Representative will provide remote assistance via audio/video interaction within seconds.

The parking industry has seen a great deal of change in the last several years. Many parking facilities have made the change from traditional in-lane cashiering to automated POF technology, or in the case of valet locations, after-hour remote monitoring. In these instances, the ability to remote monitor still allows revenue capture without the payroll expense and it also provides service support for parking patrons after closing. OPark technology has been installed in a number of cities, receiving a great deal of recognition and praise, as it melds a customer service touch into a very dependable piece of technology. One Parking is one of the few licensed providers of this patented technology in the United States, and we take pride knowing that we can ensure the best customer service experience for our customers, regardless of time or place.